
An Overview of Problems and Possible Solutions

SE Harold from the
i205 MUP to 111th

Traffic Class: Neighborhood Collector

Street Design Class: Community Corridor

Emergency Response Class: Secondary Emergency Response

Entire stretch


High speeds

Noise pollution from loud, speeding cars


Sidewalks from 102nd–122nd

Fixed speed safety cameras

Improve street design to slow traffic and discourage unsafe driving

Enforce City Code on noise pollution

Street trees

i205 MUP Crosswalk


Drivers do not stop at crosswalk


Add a Pedestrian crossing signal and set the tone for the road: Harold should be a safe space for pedestrians and bicyclists.



Drive-by shootings, cars not stopping at adjacent stop signs


Local access only signs off of Harold

PPB Focus on enforcement of gun laws


See below for 104th from Harold to Reedway


Drivers run stop sign


Mini round about or other traffic pattern alteration, flashing red light, speed bumps



Drivers run stop sign

Illegal dumping at City-owned property (11110 SE Harold St)


Use the vacant land to redesign the intersection

Show care and respect for the land by converting it to a green-space (extension of the wildlife area, community garden, mini park).

Address issues leading to speeding cars north and south of the Harold intersection

SE 103rd from Harold to Foster

Traffic Class: Local Service Traffic Street

Street Design Class: Community Corridor

Emergency Response Class: Secondary Emergency Response


Designated/painted crosswalks

Sidewalks & Bioswales (bonus: good for a flood hazard area)

Speed bumps


High speeds & reckless driving

SE 104th from Harold to Reedway

Traffic Class: Local Service Traffic Street

Street Design Class: Local Street

Emergency Response Class: Minor Emergency Response


“Local Access Only” signs at Harold & 104th.

Solar powered flashing stop signs


High speeds (some cars have been known to catch air coming down 104th)

Shooting in April of 2024

Drivers run stop signs


We know transpiration projects require significant time, effort, and a massive collection of resources. That’s why we’re asking for both inexpensive and quick fixes AND for your commitment to prioritizing our streets when allocating funding for future projects.

We also ask that you reconsider any past decisions that may be hinder safety in our neighborhood (e.g. perspective that there can be no speed bumps on Harold).

Here are some considerations:

  • Immediate need: Flood the neighborhood with these signs

    Vision Zero (or similar) signs are wanted and needed and must be more easily accessible. Remove all hurdles and deposit requirements. Partner with us to host a community event where residents can freely take and distribute signs around the neighborhood.

  • Immediate need: Where appropriate, place these signs!

    We’ve seen them all over Portland and have read stories of positive change. Please expand this program in our area. We have ideas for where they should go, but we welcome your opinions and expertise.

    Photo by Alex Wittwer for WW
  • Make up for lost time

    Residents have been experiencing problems for many years, but have faced obstructions to progress or have haven’t had the necessary resources (human, financial, and/or time) to more persistently push for change.

    Image from Lents: a Neighborhood Issues Analysis (1993)

  • Prioritize street safety in the areas surrounding the future Safe Rest Village

    A Safe Rest Village is proposed in the area if 104th and Reedway. Disadvantaged communities will need safe access to services.

We recognize that without the fervent support of officials at the City of Portland, street improvement projects could take decades to even be considered.

Thank you for your time! We look forward to talking with you about what can be done!